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Detection Dog Competition

Annual Detection Dog Competition

  • First Annual
  • National Allergen Detection Dog Trials
  • September 1, 2012

Come meet other allergen detection dogs from around the country in an obedience and detection competition open to allergen detection dogs from any agency.  In detection, dogs and handlers will be judged on search pattern, strength of dog’s response, ability to accurately locate the allergen.  Peanuts, peanut oil and peanut shells will be used in varying amounts.  In the obedience portion, dogs will be scored on the precision of their movements and their enthusiasm during the exercise. See Entry Form for details.

This competition is open to all allergen detection service dogs and their handlers.  It will test both the detection and obedience skills of the dogs and their handlers.  This is the first event of its kind and is open to service dogs from any agency or private trainer.  It is primarily a chance to meet other allergen detection dog families, build friendships and see other dogs at work.  The trials will be held on Saturday, September 1, 2012 from 9 am – 4 pm in Colorado Springs.  An awards and recognition ceremony will be held following the events at 5 pm.  Allergen Detection Service Dogs will host a pre-event welcome barbeque on Friday, August 31, 2012 at 5 pm. Rules and obedience course details will be given out at this event.

HOSTED BY:          Allerge Detection Service Dogs Logo        

DATES & TIMES:           

Friday, August 31, 2012
4:00 pm – Check-in and registration
5:00 pm – Welcome Barbeque

Saturday, September 1, 2012
8:00 am – Overview of rules and instructions
9:00 am – Detection Trials
1:00 pm – Obedience Com
5:00 pm – Awards and Recognitions

ENTRY FEE:           $55

DEADLINE:             August 15, 2012

(Entries received after the deadline will be accepted, but may not be listed in the program.)

 Description of Events


Five areas will be searched, including one blank area. The allergens may be hidden in boxes, briefcases, backpacks, clothing, cabinets and drawers, on shelves or other areas as indicated by the area judge. To help ensure the safety of all participants, all allergens will be contained in perforated boxes. No open allergens will be hidden (no oil smears or residual rubs). Peanuts, cooked peanut oil and peanut shells will be used in varying amounts from residual odor to large quantities. When searching an area, you must tell the judge whether you deem the area clear or contaminated. If your dog alerts, you must indicate the specific area you believe to be contaminated. One judge will be assigned to each area. The judge will not give any information about whether your dog has alerted properly or not. The teams will be judged on search pattern, strength of dog’s alert on odor, handler recognition and proximity to the source. A maximum of 100 points can be earned in each area. False alerts, aggressive responses (barking or scratching at the odor) or other behavior unbecoming of a service dog will result in loss of points.


The obedience portion will be conducted primarily on-leash in a closed environment.  Distractions may be present near the course (ex:  toys, bones, etc.)  A walking course will be outlined, with specific tasks to be completed along the course.  The dog should remain in a heel position during the walk, sit by the handler’s side when he stops, and perform the commands of sit, down and stay as instructed by the handler.  There will also be a series of commands that the dog must perform off-leash.  For these, the handler will tell his dog to stay in the sit position and will walk 20-feet away.  Without saying anything, the dog must stay in the sit position until recalled.  Rewards such as treats or toys may not be given during competition, nor may they be carried by the handler in open sight of the dog.  You may carry toys or treats and reward your dog at the completion of the obedience course as long as these items are kept concealed during the course.  The dog and handler will be judged on overall control, correctness of response, and the dog’s perceived enthusiasm.  A maximum of 100 points can be earned in this area.  Failure to complete the appropriate command, breaking position, corrections and repeated commands will result in a loss of points.


Your order in the competition will be determined by drawing.  Winners will be determined by overall point scores and will not be announced until after the competition at the awards ceremony.  Due to the possibility of contaminating the search areas, no food will be allowed in the trial area.  During the day, when not competing, all dogs shall be on-leash, kenneled, or secured appropriately in an equipped vehicle.  Any loose dogs will be disqualified from the competition.  Please note:  There is limited shaded parking around the competition area, so please plan ahead of time for your dog’s safety and wellbeing.  SAFETY IS THE FIRST PRIORITY. 

These events will be open to the public and it is important that all competitors and associates maintain the highest levels of good sportsmanship and professionalism.  Should any handler or audience member become disruptive or act in a way that does not uphold the values of integrity and respect, he/she may be asked to leave and may be disqualified.

Please enclose the following and postmark no later than August 15, 2012

            [ ] Completed DDC Entry Form (click to view).

            [ ] Release of DDC Liability Form (required for entry)

            [ ] $55 Entry Fee.  Checks should be made payable to Allergen Detection Service Dogs.

Mail all 3 of the above items to:

8690 Wranglers Way,
Colorado Springs, CO  80908

For questions or more information, please contact Allergen Detection Service Dogs.


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