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About Us

What Happens Here Changes Lives

What happens here changes livesThe dogs we train have a profound impact on the lives of children and adults throughout the world.  One of the greatest ways we do this is by creating a new standard for the detection dog concept.  To fulfill our mission of changing lives by affording the freedom to live, to explore and to grow, we must focus on three main areas:

1. Understand the Science Behind Allergens and Odor Detection

The staff here is not just a collection of well-intentioned dog trainers and office assistants.  They are experts in their fields,as well as continual students.  They stay up-to-date on the latest research in canine detection science, protein breakdown studies and allergen transmission.  Allergen detection has its own set of requirements, its own patterns and its own science.  Strategic shifts in our training procedures now allow dogs to begin working with residual odors from day one, rather than as an advanced concept.

2. Educate Individuals and Communities About Allergies 

The primary focus is on educating the families of people with severe allergies through our in-depth allergy seminars and kids’ camps.  We also lead by example in trying to educate our community.  Our most recent community involvement initiatives get the dogs out working in schools and churches before they ever go to a family.  These furry ambassadors open doors and break down barriers in a way no person ever could.  Searching in the schools is phenomenal practice for the dogs, but it is even better for the kids.  We get a chance to talk to both adults and children about the importance of creating safe environments and respecting people’s differences in positive and fun ways. 

3. Care for People  

This may sound simple, but the application is anything but.  To do this, we take the finest dogs available and teach them to work to their maximum potential; we educate you and your family through the most comprehensive, most innovative programs available anywhere;and we stand by you, supporting you fully throughout your journey. Our staff’s approach to education is passionate, honest and straight from the heart.  Plain and simple:  we do this because we love to help people and want to see you thrive.